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Chairman’s Report Jan. 2020

I was out shopping recently when an old acquaintance accosted me to ask why the East Hawai’i Cultural Center (EHCC) was attacking its supporters. He politely listened as I explained the facts. Because this is a matter of concern to our community, we want our readers to hear those facts too.
EHCC is a cherished part of Hilo’s history.

Trash Art Show Winners

Melany Karver's "Ganesha Altar", created from found objects, won the annual Recycle Hawaii Award. 1st place went to Joji Oshima's "Aloha Tower," metal construction; 2nd place to Stephen Yee's "Sow's Ear 3" table and chairs made from reclaimed shipping palates; 3rd place is "Ratzo" made of wire and rubber, by Kathleen Dunphy.

I Luna Loa (On the Rise)

EHCC announces publication of “I Luna Loa (On the Rise),” our Annual Report for FY2019. This report, which covers EHCC operations from July 2018 to June 2019, showcases our gallery exhibits, highlights the Youth Art Series, reviews the tremendous number of varied events we hosted at our stage, Kahua ‘Elua, and more. You can read the report in a convenient on-line format at this link:
