Chairman’s Report Jan. 2020
Submitted by Monique Ortiz on
Submitted by Monique Ortiz on
Submitted by Monique Ortiz on
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Melany Karver's "Ganesha Altar", created from found objects, won the annual Recycle Hawaii Award. 1st place went to Joji Oshima's "Aloha Tower," metal construction; 2nd place to Stephen Yee's "Sow's Ear 3" table and chairs made from reclaimed shipping palates; 3rd place is "Ratzo" made of wire and rubber, by Kathleen Dunphy.
$50.00, Flat Rate- up to 3 hours. (seats 12)
Submitted by Monique Ortiz on
Our Intern Rachel, from the University of Hawai'i at Hilo has made walk-through video for anyone interested in submitting their work through CALL FOR ENTRY. ORG
Submitted by Monique Ortiz on