Submitted by Monique Ortiz on
Items & Supplies We Could Always Use:
Submitted by Monique Ortiz on
Items & Supplies We Could Always Use:
Submitted by Monique Ortiz on
Submitted by Monique Ortiz on
Nomination period is closed.
Safety & Social Distancing Guidelines:
All individuals feeling sick or unwell in any way should stay home.
Hand sanitizer and antibacterial soaps will be readily available. All individuals are encouraged to sanitize or wash their hands before entering the classroom area.
Face masks must be worn at all times while on EHCC property.
Submitted by Web Admin on
Melany Karver's "Ganesha Altar", created from found objects, won the annual Recycle Hawaii Award. 1st place went to Joji Oshima's "Aloha Tower," metal construction; 2nd place to Stephen Yee's "Sow's Ear 3" table and chairs made from reclaimed shipping palates; 3rd place is "Ratzo" made of wire and rubber, by Kathleen Dunphy.
Submitted by Monique Ortiz on
Submitted by Monique Ortiz on
EHCC is taking the first steps of an initiative to preserve and improve its home, the Old Police Station and District Courthouse. EHCC has just been awarded a grant from the Historic Hawai'i Foundation under the auspices of HHF’s Hilo Preservation and Beautification Program, which is being matched by additional resources from the Serendipity II Fund of the Hawai’i Community Foundation and members of the community. The support will enable EHCC to deal with an aggressive bee problem, tent for termites, construct interim roof repairs, and install appealing new signage.
Click to the Right / Left to view more images of the space!
To view better detailed dimensions of the Gallery floor plan, download the PDF file titled EHCC Floor Plan_June 2023 at the bottom of the page.
Safety & Social Distancing Guidelines:
All individuals feeling sick or unwell in any way should stay home.
Hand sanitizer and antibacterial soaps will be readily available. All individuals are encouraged to sanitize or wash their hands before entering the classroom area.
Face masks must be worn at all times while on EHCC property.
Submitted by Web Admin on
EHCC/Hawaii Museum of Art announces winners and participants for their annual Summer Art Juried Show on exhibit July 3 through 31. From a selection of paintings, photographs, sculptures, oils, charcoal, digital, wood, glass, acrylic and clay art pieces, the following were awarded prizes as follows:
Submitted by Monique Ortiz on
Over the two and a half years I’ve been Board Chair of the East Hawaii Cultural Center, people from the community have occasionally commended me for managing this huge, complex, and overwhelming pursuit. Yet I’m responsible for none of the unique beauty and magic emerging from EHCC during this time.
Here is a short list of the things I definitely do not do:
Submitted by Monique Ortiz on