1st Annual YAS Coloring Contest

Program type: 
Monday, March 2, 2020 - 10:00am to Tuesday, March 31, 2020 - 4:00pm

The Youth Arts Series is celebrating National Youth Art Month with our 1st Annual Coloring Contest! Congratulation to Mika Grohs, 1st annual YAS Coloring Contest Winner!

Entry Rules:
• Open to youth ages 17 and under
• Deadline to enter is Tuesday, March 31 by 4:00 PM
• Entry must include name, age, and contact information (so that we are able to notify you if your entry has won).
• Artists may use any medium of choice to decorate their entry (crayons, markers, colored pencils, paints, etc...)
• Completed entries will be displayed outside the EHCC office for the month of March.
• Entries will be judged in 3 categories based on age: (7 & under) (8-13) and (14-17)

The coloring sheet is availble for printing in the attachment below- return to the EHCC (if the center is closed, feel free to drop it in our mailbox located on the maikai side of the building! OR mail it to us at 141 Kalakaua St. Hilo HI 96720)