Youth Arts Saturdays (2nd Saturday of each month)

Program type: 
Saturday, June 10, 2023 - 10:00am to Saturday, December 27, 2025 - 2:00pm
★ Come join us in a free community playful lauhala workshop! We will be exploring ways to blend the technology of weaving with the technology of circuitry. Create a mini moving bot or an illuminated mini moena mat. We look forward to seeing your inventive designs and to hearing the lauhala stories you share!
★ February 8th, 10:00 am to 12:30 at EHCC Annex (behind the main building).
★ No registration. First come first serve for up to 20 participants

✨Join us the second Saturday of each month for the Youth Arts Series, Youth Arts Saturdays (YAS²). This event is free and open to keiki of all ages. Activities take place on the front lanai outside EHCC's main gallery, or at the Annex, behind the main building.
✨YAS² aims to promote the importance of youth arts throughout the year. We will be joined by guest artists and other local organizations throughout the months. The program will offer a variety of fun and creative projects for keiki to enjoy and explore.
✨Follow @theyouthartsseries on social media for updates on each month's activity and EHCC location. 


Poster & Flyer: