Young At Art 2023: Information
The 35th Annual Young At Art Juried Exhibition 2023
Sponsored by EHCC and the Hawai‘i District Department of Education
The Young at Art annual juried exhibition celebrates National Youth Art Month by recognizing the excellence, creativity and originality of K-12 students on Hawai’i Island in all public, charter, and private schools, as well as home-schooled students.
Please note that this year artworks will be displayed in various locations throughout the island, not at the East Hawai’i Cultural Center gallery. There will be no theme this year. All submissions will be made online, with physical submissions of only the accepted art works to be held in several locations across the island. As a result of these changes, the entry deadlines have been moved up.
Entry submission period OPENS: Tuesday, November 1, 2022
Entry submission period CLOSES: Saturday, January 28, 2023
Exhibit on view: March 2023
Exact Locations TBA