
Walking Through Mist: Phan Nguyen Barker

Saturday, December 5, 2020 - 10:00am to Friday, January 22, 2021 - 4:00pm
Walking Through Mist: Phan Nguyen Barker
December 5th, 2020 - January 22nd, 2021

Phan Nguyen Barker was born in Vietnam during the dissolution of French Indochina, as the country was being divided into the North, governed by communist rebels, and the South, governed by a former emperor. Woven into the backdrop of the Vietnam War, this exhibition is the poignant visual narrative of a young girl's journey from her village home in North Vietnam, to the South, and finally to America.

Impermanence (Continues): Shingo Honda

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Saturday, November 7, 2020 - 10:00am to Friday, November 27, 2020 - 4:00pm

Featuring works on paper and sculpture, Impermanence, our retrospective on the works of Shingo Honda (continues).

Previous exhibition: https://ehcc.org/content/impermanence

Exhibition Curated by Andrzej Kramarz

This year the exhibition will start on November 7th (Saturday) with normal gallery hours of 10am-4pm, Tuesday-Friday. The EHCC will be adhering to the following GALLERY Policies and Procedures at this time:

32nd Annual Trash Art Show

Saturday, October 3, 2020 - 10:00am to Friday, October 30, 2020 - 4:00pm

32nd Annual Trash Art Show 2020

October 3rd - 30th

Ira Ono, founder of “The Trash Show: Hawaii Artists Recycle,” will be returning to jury the 32nd anniversary of one of East Hawaii’s longest-running annual arts events. In addition to the show’s display of various Big Island trash art, Ono will be having a retrospective of his early wearable art, “The TrashFace Collection,” featuring work created from discarded, recycled materials.

Landscape by Patrick O'Kiersey.

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Saturday, August 8, 2020 - 10:00am to Friday, September 25, 2020 - 4:00pm
Landscape, an Exhibition by Patrick O'Kiersey
August 8- EXTENDED until September 25, 2020
Curator's Statement
Those familiar with the works of Patrick O’Kiersey might imagine they’ve seen some of these images before. On the contrary, the physical state of these paintings has undergone transformational processes; just as landscapes are subject to the inexorable laws of natural conditions (climate), so evolves the gaze of the artist.

REMAINS: Dialectics of Nature and Artifice

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Friday, June 5, 2020 - 10:00am to Friday, July 31, 2020 - 4:00pm

REMAINS: Dialectics of Nature and Artifice

Duo Exhibition of New Works by Pier Fichefeux and Daniel Sheinfeld Rodriguez

June 5 to July 31, 2020

The work of the painter, the poet or the musician, like the myths and symbols of the savage, ought to be seen by us, if not as a superior form of knowledge, at least as the most fundamental and the only one really common to us all. ―Claude Levi-Strauss

Young At Art 2020

Saturday, March 7, 2020 - 10:00am to Friday, March 27, 2020 - 4:00pm
The 32nd Annual Young at Art Exhibition is a juried student art exhibit hosted in March, 2020 at the East Hawaii Cultural Center/HMOCA in Hilo. The exhibit is sponsored by East Hawaii Cultural Center/HMOCA and the Hawaii District DOE, and staffed by volunteers. Prizes are awarded to students whose works win juried awards.

Impermanence (Retrospective): Shingo Honda

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Friday, February 7, 2020 - 3:00pm to Friday, February 28, 2020 - 4:00pm
From February 7 to 28, 2020, the East Hawai'i Cultural Center will host a retrospective of works by beloved Big Island artist Shingo Honda.
The exhibition, entitled Impermanence, will feature works on paper, canvas, and a variety of print forms. 
Shingo emerged in the activist Mono-ha movement in Japan in the 1960s. He later moved to Los Angeles, where he became a Zen priest and met his life partner noted writer Lynne Farr.
Opening reception will be at 3pm.

3rd Annual Big Island Clay Exhibition

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Friday, December 6, 2019 - 6:00pm to Friday, January 24, 2020 - 4:00pm
Define Artifact: Shelby Smith

In December, the Makai gallery of the East Hawaii Cultural Center features a solo exhibition by Shelby B. Smith exploring ceramic media through alternative processes. Smith’s fields of study, both architecture and ceramics, conflate in the “theoretical vessel” – an object by which space becomes an artifact of human design and interaction.



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