Gyotaku for Keiki

Program type: 
Sunday, August 12, 2018 - 10:00am to 11:30am

Registration is FULL- FOR QUESTIONS- EMAIL: [email protected]

Class title: Gyotaku for Keiki

Instructor: Lauren Kamei

Date: Sunday, August 12, 10:00AM- 11:30 AM

Ages: 7-12

Enrollment Fee:

$25.50- EHCC Members

$30.00- Non Members

All supplies included

Space is limited

Registration required by: AUGUST 7th 

Class Description: Gyotaku (Japanese 魚拓, from gyo "fish" + taku "stone impression")- traditional Japanese fish printing. Join us for this introductory workshop in the art of gyotaku. Lauren will discuss the background and historical context of the practice. Keiki will learn beginner level techniques for creating their very own fish prints.



  • Instructor

    Lauren Kamei's picture
    Lauren graduated from The University of Hawaii at Manoa with an Interdisciplinary Studies Degree in Landscape Design and a Master's in Elementary Education. She enjoys everything fish: watching, eating and catching fish! Lauren can't wait to share her two favorite hobbies of fishing and art with the students in this Gyotaku class. Learn More
Poster & Flyer: